
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bea's Taco Salad (C1)

Deanne Bergeron

1 lb lean Ground turkey or chicken
1 pkg taco seasoning (reduced salt or you could try it with homemade)
1 sm-med onion
1 bag mixed lettuce
1/2 cup chopped cucumber
1/2 cup chopped peppers (red & green)
1/2 cup c Chopped celery
2 or 3 small roma tomatoes, diced
1 large bottle catalina dressing (kraft makes a fat free one)

Cook onions until clear. Cook ground turkey or chicken according to taco seasoning packet, using only half the required water.

Set aside

Mix all other ingredients together, except the salad dressing & ground beef.

Then put the ground beef on top (making sure it's still warm - if not, heat it back up a bit - not hot) & start mixing in the dressing, half bottle at a time.

Now - this recipe is from pre 17DD so also calls for a bag of corn chips, which are mixed in last minute - so for 17DD - not sure if you might not need as much salad dressing without the chips .. probably not.

Note: There is a recipe on this blog for homemade taco seasoning.


  1. can't use ground beef in C1 but can use turkey or chicken.

  2. Absolutely! Note the comment in the recipe that says: "[Note: for this to be C1, use ground turkey or chicken]"
