
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What About: How do I eat the 1,200 calories?

How do I eat 1,200 calories a day?  It seems like I am always eating!

Not getting your 1,200 calories? 1,200 calories is the minimum you should be eating on this diet.  Depending on your body's metabolism and your personal level of activity, it will probably be more than that where you land with your "sweet spot" of losing the best.

Where are you lacking?

Some assumptions on calories are made below, but the following will give you an idea where you may be missing calories

For 1,210 calories:
3 servings of protein (more than 3 is great) (120X3=360)
2 friendly fats (120X2=240)
2 probiotics (80X2=160)
3 veggies minimum (more than 3 is great) (60X3=180)
2 fruits (60x2=120)
Snacks (150)

For 1,300 calories a day:
3 servings of protein (more than 3 is great) (150X3=450)
2 friendly fats (120X2=240)
2 probiotics (80X2=160)
3 veggies minimum (more than 3 is great) (60X3=180)
2 fruits (60x2=120)
Snacks (150)


  1. these two look exactly the same to me ! what am I missing ?

  2. The one for 1,350 has higher calorie lean proteins. Sorry about that!
