
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Strawberry Shortcake (C3)

Recipe Author: Maranda Thomas

For the topping:
1 Serving Plain Greek Yogurt
1 packet Stevia or Truvia (equivalent to 2 tsp sugar)
1 tsp Vanilla extract

Mix the above ingredients well. This is your topping.

For the middle:
1 serving frozen strawberries pureed (or any fruit)

The shortcake:
You can use the protein pancake recipe from this blog or use the following protein pancake recipe:

Maranda's Protein Pancakes:
Combine one whole egg, 1 egg white, 1 Tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 packet stevia, 3 Tbsp unsweetened almond milk,.

Beat well.

THEN I add 1 tsp baking powder and mix it up well.

Set the mix aside while you mix up your yogurt and get my berries pureed.

THEN spray your pan pan with olive oil and get that heating up.

At this point the mix has set long enough that it is time to add the scoop of protein powder to it. Mix gently.

Here is the secret to it tasting AMAZING and not like cardboard: Don't cook it long on either side!! Basically when you can get your spatulua under it without it tearing, flip it! Let it set for 20 seconds and immedately take it off the pan  Then cook your second.

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